Saturday, August 17, 2013

Here Goes Nothing...

I think for many, the decision to start a blog stems from wanting to get their name out there for one reason or another. Photographers, make-up artists, hair stylists, and so many more professionals, and even non-professionals, have blogs these days. I am definitely NOT trying to promote myself in any way, as I am not a brand or a name of any sense in the business world. For me, I am just a creative person who loves to share my ideas and likes. The reason I decided to start a blog is because I needed something, other than social media, to document and share things that I love, such as products, style inspiration, teaching ideas, thoughts on baby products, etc. I love Pinterest and my pins and boards allow me to really showcase who I am and what I love, but as far as writing about those loves, a caption doesn’t really do this girl any justice. So after thinking long and hard about it, and reminding myself that there’s a good possibility that no one will even read my blog, I decided to take the plunge anyway. The truth is, I really don’t care all that much if I don’t have thousands of people subscribe to this blog. This blog, for me, is an outlet. I love so many things and I have so many ideas, that I hope that you, as a reader, can find something here that you love too, or an idea that can help you with your style, beauty, or even in your teaching career. Again, I am not an expert, but I know what I like. And after having people compliment my style or ask me where I got the idea for my daughter’s first birthday, I thought, why not share? So here I go. I am ready to share my two cents because after all, it’s what I love!
Best XOXO,


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